Can I use wallpaper in the bathroom?
Author: shunmei Time: 2018-01-22 09:55:55
Can I use wallpaper in the bathroom?
Can wallpaper stand up to the high moisture and humidity levels in bathrooms? We gather the following tips to putting up wallpaper in your bathroom:
Use solid vinyl wallpaper or vinyl-coated wallpaper. - Solid vinyl wallpaper is made completely of vinyl, while vinyl-coated wallpaper is made of paper but has a protective coating of arcylic vinyl or polyvinyl chloride. - They are hardy, resistant to mildew and moisture as compared to fabric wallpapers or those without the coating.
Despite using solid vinyl wallpaper or vinyl-coated wallpaper, constant changes to the temperature in the bathroom cause the wallpaper to warp and develop air bubbles underneath. Keep it to the vanity area or keep it to a common toilet whereby the shower stall is rarely used.
Good quality wallpaper can last for about seven to ten years for paper, and seven to 10 years for vinyl. To clean your wallcovering, use a soft cloth and a gentle detergent to remove stains. Ensure that you avoid exerting excessive force as it may cause tearing or wrinkles.
Check out other bathrooms that use wallpaper on their walls!