Clean the Wallpaper method
Author: shunmei Time: 2018-05-25 11:15:05
How to clean Wallpaper ?
1. Determine your wallpaper type.
Figure out what kind of wallpaper you have on your walls. Vinyl wallpaper is not difficult to clean. You can scrub vinyl wallpaper.
2. Clean the wallpaper.
Mix a small amount of dish soap, about two table spoons worth, with warm water in a bucket. Use clear soap to avoid staining the wallpaper with colored detergent. Dip a soft cloth or sponge in the cleaning solution. Wring out the excess cleaner into the bucket.
3. Rinse and dry the wallpaper.
This is where the second bucket comes in. Using the water from that bucket and a new cloth, rinse each section with clean water. Don’t use too much water; you don’t want to end up with damp walls. With a terry-cloth towel, dry the surface immediately after to prevent the wallpaper from soaking up too much moisture and tearing.