Our wallpaper factory delivers goods on time
Author: shunmei Time: 2024-04-03 16:02:26
Our wallpaper factory delivers goods on time
Wallpaper details:
Roll size: 0.53x9.5/10m
Carton: 20 rolls
20ft Conatiner: 10000 rolls
Carrying the most precious wallpaper, the container sails into the distance, heading towards the customer's expectations.
Every time we load and ship the goods, we do our best to provide customers with the highest quality wallpapers and services.
Every detail contains our intention and commitment; every time we shipping containers, it is a reward for our customers' trust and support.
Grommy wallpaper factory's cooperation principle is “quality first, price reasonable, service sincere”!
Phone: +8613503836765
Email: info@sinowallpaper.com